On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Rui Nuno Capela <rncbc@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Fons Adriaensen wrote:
>> On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 05:19:21PM +0100, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
>>> the original issue on debate, as brought by Fons, was due to a probable
>>> mishap caused by the new d-bus stuff in jack2 (aka jackdmp): apparently,
>>> jackdbus is auto-starting the jackd service without regard to what's in
>>> ~/.jackdrc. it doesn't matter whomever wrote that file in the first
>>> place, either ardour, qjackctl or even jackd itself. jackdbus is just
>>> making a fool out of it :)
>> That would be a minor sin compared to what actually
>> happens. Even if the autostarted jack is terminated
>> as soon as the app that started it terminates, it
>> comes back as soon as qjackctl is started. It is
>> impossible then impossible to start the right jackd
>> from qjackctl.
> can you explain a bit what is supposed to be "the right jackd"?
> afaict, qjackctl starts jackd with the exact argument parameters as
> given in its setup dialog, no more, no less, no guessing. you can check
> that on the messages window, the exact jackd command line that qjackctl
> invokes.
> if that happen not to be "the right jackd" then there's something going
> hideously wrong from inside jackd code path, as it probably is ignoring
> or overriding its own command line arguments.
> seeya
> --
I wonder if there are two copies of Jack on the system, sort of a
/usr/bin and a /usr/local/bin. I've had that happena few times when I
forgot to explicitly set a path building code by hand.
I agree with Rui's comments. If Jack is set up correctly on my system
I've never had qjackctl do anything other than use what I put in the
settings box and show it to me in the message window.
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