Re: [LAU] [Jack-Devel] more jack/qjackctl madness

From: Rui Nuno Capela <rncbc@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon May 18 2009 - 11:06:03 EEST

On Mon, May 18, 2009 00:50, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 06:37:27PM +0100, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
>> can you explain a bit what is supposed to be "the right jackd"?
> OK. The 'right' one is the one that qjackctl is configured
> for, also the one specified in ~/jackdrc. It uses the Terratec EWT88 card
> which is hw:1.
> The 'wrong' one is using the on-board Intel stuff which
> is hw:0.
> 1. I accidentally start a jackified app without a server
> running. This autostarts the wrong jackd. Jackd seems to ignore ~/.jackdrc.
> 2. No problem, this jackd had the -T option, when I stop
> the application then the jackd is gone as well.
> Without dbus all is ok afterwards. But with dbus:
> 3. I start qjackctl. It immediately shows a running
> jackd (** there was none before, so running qjackctl started it **). This
> jackd is the 'wrong' one.
> 4. Stopping and starting in qjackctl does not help,
> this always starts the 'wrong' one. Qjackctl's setup window still shows the
> 'right' one, but all settings
> there are ignored.
> 5. So it's now impossible to start the 'right' one
> from qjackctl. To revert to normal you have to kill a daemon created by the
> dbus stuff.
>> afaict, qjackctl starts jackd with the exact argument parameters as
>> given in its setup dialog, no more, no less, no guessing.
> Not is this case.

fwiw, qjackctl calls jack_client_open() with the *JackNoStartServer*
option flag set.

iow, qjackctl should never invoke the jackd auto-start feature. if it ever
starts jackd, it starts explicitly with its own fork+exec method (ie.

so, and i'm just guessing, it is the jackdbus devil stack that is pushing
the jackd auto-starting into our throats, with complete disrespect with
what's in the official jack api (i supect it doesn't give a damn to a
legitimate JackNoStartServer option:).


rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon May 18 12:15:02 2009

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