Re: [LAU] [Jack-Devel] more jack/qjackctl madness

From: Nedko Arnaudov <nedko@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon May 18 2009 - 17:23:28 EEST

drew Roberts <zotz@email-addr-hidden> writes:

> On Monday 18 May 2009 06:44:45 Nedko Arnaudov wrote:
>> No, it is FUD campaign in lau ml :(
>> The official jack api is respected and it the JackNoStartServer option
>> IS respected.
> OK, so how do we explain the behavior that Fons is seeing.

Packaging not suited to user's needs. I explain it like this. Also
packagers are not given enough warnings about the problems. Both
problems are fixed in svn and thus in next jack2 release.

> No jack is running.
> He starts qjackctl.
> qjackctl shows a jack is running once it is started.

That means jack server is running. It may have been started through dbus
or through qjackctl (i think it has that option - autostart jack on

> the jack that qjackctl finds started is not the one it is configured to start.

The the server was started through dbus mechanism. This is caused by
mixing the two models. OTOH you dont get messages in qjackctl when jackd
is autolaunched by an application. Once again, package needs to be fixed
and there is fix in the svn that should make it harder for packagers to
do this error.

> (Is this about right for the one problem you described Fons?)

I'm still not completely sure what proble Fons has. Except ban dbus

Nedko Arnaudov <GnuPG KeyID: DE1716B0>

Linux-audio-user mailing list

Received on Mon May 18 20:15:04 2009

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