Joe Hartley wrote:
> On Tue, 19 May 2009 10:13:29 +0700
> Patrick Shirkey <pshirkey@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Is it really possible that no one wants to make an attempt at knocking
>> Tim Orford off his perch as King of the "Most Loaded Desktop"?
> When my desktop starts, there's nothing on it except a pattern that's
> vaguely reminiscent of graph paper, and the standard Fluxbox taskbar.
> I don't think I pass the audition.
I have to concur that if that's all you manage to do with your desktop
then you will have a problem winning the competition.
This is a competition for people who actually run programs on their
desktop and some of them even might have user interfaces. It's also an
attempt at establishing just how many programs and applications with
graphical user interfaces people can or do run at the same time on their
-- Patrick Shirkey Boost Hardware Ltd. _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Tue May 19 08:15:03 2009
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