Re: [LAU] Fons could you make us an Hammond ;)

From: Grammostola Rosea <rosea.grammostola@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue May 19 2009 - 23:22:34 EEST

Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 12:53:55AM +0200, Nick Copeland wrote:
> <a *lot* of very interesting info about Hammonds>
> Fascinating ! [*]
> Could you tell us more about the VibraChorus ? From what you've
> told already it seems to use 'mechanical' variable capacitors...
> Ciao,
> [*] I've seen the latest Star Trek today (in Italian !).
> >From this I learn that the young Mr. Spock did *not* use
> the term 'fascinating' every five minutes. So where did he
> pick up that habit ?
> Kond of liked the movie, until it degraded into Stars Wars
> like nonsense such as completely improbable man-to-man
> fights between the main good and main bad one.
Some progress on this? Already contact with the author?

BTW Beatrix is not GPL, but open source right, so you can use the code
as example how to make things!??

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Received on Wed May 20 00:15:05 2009

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