Re: [LAU] Hard lock-ups plus MOTU UltrLite Mk3

From: david <gnome@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun May 24 2009 - 01:26:09 EEST

Darren Landrum wrote:
> Darren Landrum wrote:
>> I just yanked the sound card and went back to on-board sound. I have a
>> feeling that the system is going to be stable from here on out. It
>> happened just that way once before.
>> The only question, then, is is it a hardware or driver issue? I really
>> don't care anymore.
> I take it all back. I was playing Leo Laporte's BitGravity stream when X
> suddenly crashed and restarted itself, and the mouse pointer was gone
> when I logged back in. So I had to restart the computer.
> Still, at least that's a new behavior.
> Also, Youtube videos are now acting weird. Either the video works, or
> the audio works, but not both at the same time.
> I'm about ready to take this entire machine out back and have at it with
> my sledgehammer.

Hmm, sounds to me like you have some hardware problems. I presume you'd
notice if there were any blatant physical problems with the motherboard
- I looked at one of my old ones a few weeks ago that had been stashed
in the closet for several years and some capacitors on a video card had
leaked their contents into the AGP slot. Kind of explained why the AGP
slot didn't work anymore!

If you boot a live Linux CD like Sidux, does it still have the problems?

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Received on Sun May 24 04:15:02 2009

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