Re: [LAU] Most Loaded Desktop competition

From: Patrick Shirkey <pshirkey@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon May 25 2009 - 11:05:23 EEST

david wrote:
> Joe Hartley wrote:
>> On Fri, 22 May 2009 20:09:31 -1000
>> david <gnome@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>> Sorry, I'm interested in desktops I can use, not clutter up. And the
>>> other poster who seems to not like Fluxbox apparently doesn't understand
>>> that it can quite happily run KDE and GNOME apps (although why anyone
>>> would want to waste their time with GNOME is completely beyond me).
>> That'd be me, and I run gnome apps all the time. The most I run in the
>> studio would be Qjackctl, Ardour and Jamin. Not terribly cluttered,
>> especially across 2 monitors. At work I may have a lot of xterms running
>> and a browser or two, but that's not really sexy either.
> I like clean, uncluttered UIs. I don't have 2 monitors around here. I do
> have 2 monitors at work, stuck with Windows XP, where I find myself
> missing my multiple desktops. Several of us at the office sometimes
> complain that we need another monitor or two!

In round 1 several people took the time to splice together multiple
desktops into one screen shot.

There is nothing stopping anyone from doing that in round 2 with 1, 2,
4, 6, 8. 10,12, 14, 16 or even 32 desktops if they have the motivation.
I think the screenshot with the most desktops will probably win. Also it
makes things easier for people to see if the apps are presented on
multiple desktops.

Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon May 25 12:15:02 2009

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