>Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 15:43:39 +0200
>From: Michael Bohle <opendaw@email-addr-hidden>
>hi there
>> Hi,
>> Seems to be bad news on the Jacklab forums:
>> http://forum.jacklab.net/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=963
>> The project will be closed... sad for the OpenSuse users and sad for
>> linux audio community :(
>Not so sad. JackLab never was that beloved and important for the linux
>audio world.
>I will only close the (devel/webservices) server. The project is
>sleeping since a time and thats only a logical step. My motivation to
>fight windmills is now at zero.
>On the other side: packman and suser jengelh offers audio software and a
>rt-kernel in their repositories, the wiki is already immigrated to
>opensuse.org. The wineasio source is already maintained by Peter L Jones
>and now at sourceforge. The only thing that will be missing is
>forum.jacklab.net / the wineasio support forum.
>I hope the opensuse community is strong enough to make a pro audio forum
>in the opensuse forums. A new WineAsio support forum could be sponsored
>by commercial vendors which using wineasio in their products.
hi michael -- thanks for all your work, and best wishes as you step away from this project!
i've hosted a jacklab mirror for a few years, but it has not really been necessary for quite a while now. the SUSE 11 audio workstation i've got running now doesn't even use the jacklab repo. as michael says, packman and suser jengelh are all we need, besides the standard SUSE repos.
i consider it a step *forward* that most distros can now be made audio-ready without too much fuss, and the "demise" of jacklab is not such a shock -- it's necessity as a way of getting SUSE functional for serious audio work was superseded a while ago. michael was, of course, instrumental in clarifying how to do that -- the new PAM and jengelh's rt kernel were the keys.
i'll go free up my server space that was hosting the mirror now.... cheers!
-- .pltk. _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-userReceived on Tue May 26 20:15:02 2009
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