On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Atte André Jensen
<atte.jensen@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mark Knecht wrote:
>> Not that I'd use it but how fast can you set the sample rate when
>> using this device with Jack? If you can use 192KHz is it actually
>> stable?
> Not as it is right now (or at least it craps out when playing something
> that plays fine at 48000), but haven't done anything for it. Works great
> at 48000 and that's enough for me. I'd rather make music than fiddle
> with settings, so I have no idea if something better is possible...
> --
> Atte
> http://atte.dk http://modlys.dk http://virb.com/atte
Thanks. I was just curious. I cannot imagine I'd use it either, but
knowing what Linux/Alsa/Jack can do it always of interest to me. My
main sound card as well as my good D/A go 96K but other A/D's in my
system are limited to 48K so I don't bother going beyond that.
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Received on Sun May 31 00:15:04 2009
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