Hi -
I've had success with Eeebuntu on my 701, and I like the distro a lot.
The "array kernel" for Eee can be rt-patched and compiled, and has
been working fine for me except that sometimes having the wifi on can
cause xruns. (I'm not sure if that's a limitation or just my own fault
for not configuring it perfectly.)
2009/6/30, Norval Watson <norv2001@email-addr-hidden>:
> Hi y'all,
> I want to install a realtime audio distro on my new Asus Eee 901.
> I need a 2.6.29 realtime kernel or higher to support the hardware on my Eee.
> I have got the 2G RAM (haven't swapped it in yet).
> AFAIK, options include:
> DebianEeePC http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEeePC
> ArchLinux http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Asus_Eee_PC_901
> Eeebuntu http://www.eeebuntu.org/
> Indamixx USB stick, when it's available, (and it's not free)
> I have been using Debian unstable for some years so I'm most familiar with that.
> Any suggestions welcome, particularly regarding optimizing the kernel.
> Norv
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