Re: [LAU] AVLinux (Was: a bunch of stuff)

From: Atte Andre Jensen <atte.jensen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Aug 02 2009 - 15:38:24 EEST

Ken Restivo wrote:

> For example, for *two years* I ran Debian Sid on my laptop. But it
> was a snapshot from May 2007 (with I think one update sometime
> afterwards). So it was quite stable, even though Sid is always under
> heavy construction. I solved the instability problem by never typing
> "apt-get upgrade" :-)

Of course by doing this you 1) never get security upgrades, and 2)
eventually can't install software anymore, since the current versions
starts needing newer libs.

I also did something similar (ran debian stable, doing my upgrades,
though) for years, but switched back to a rolling upgrade (but not
before gigs) model. ATM I'd rather handle problems once in a while, one
at the time, and be able to work with new versions of the software I run.

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Received on Sun Aug 2 16:15:04 2009

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