----- Original Message ----
> From: Grammostola Rosea <rosea.grammostola@email-addr-hidden>
> Danni Coy wrote:
> > hitting TAB once should take you to keyboard mode (testing with 0.6
> > from xubuntu here)... however one of the first few times I tried it -
> > it did lock up and not allow keyboard input at all
> > if escape does not close the application then this may be the case
> escape doesn't close the app. Nothing doesn't close the app, even ctr-c
> in terminal not. I have to close the terminal to shut it down... So
> there is a problem maybe...
> \r
This is an introduction to the config files
I wrote it to learn how to understand it myself ;)
When you close the terminal fw may still be running, try
ps aux |grep freewheeling
in another terminal, you might have to
sudo killall -v freewheeling
to kill it completely.
(I think the process is called freewheeling, not fweelin, not sure)
I compiled my own fw v0.6.1 from source and it's running well on debian sid.
It seems like Danni has more experience with the packaged fweelin than me.
Might be an idea to purge fw and then reinstall a fresh copy.
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Received on Fri Aug 7 04:15:04 2009
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