On 08/08/2009 03:40 PM, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> ===================================================================
> Complete install method for libflashplayer with the dev version of
> pulseaudio on Fedora 11 x86_64
> Install pulseaudio
> 1. Download the pulseaudio dev version and install.
> 2. Make sure the headers are installed else libflashsupport won't build.
> rm -rf /usr/include/pulse/
> 3. ln -s /usr/local/src/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/src/pulse /usr/include/
> Install libflashplayer(64)
> 1. yum remove flash-plugin
> 2. Download from here: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html
> 3. install as per instructions (hahahahhahhahhaha)
> 4. copy libflashplayer.so to
> /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so
> /usr/lib/opera/plugins/libflashplayer.so
> Install libflashsupport
> 1: Download libflashsupport http://project.revolutionlinux.com/PulseAudio
> 2: Edit the library path in the Makefile to /usr/lib64
> 3: Remove -WError from line 3.
> 4: Edit the Pulse library path in flashsupport.c to /usr/lib64/
> // Default library location
> /*
> #define LIBPULSEPATH /usr/lib64/libpulse-simple.so.0
> #endif
> 6. make
> 7. make install
> 10. rm -rf /usr/lib/libflashsupport.so
> 11. ln -s /usr/lib64/libflashsupport.so /usr/lib/
> Now libflashsupport will be found by libflashplayer and use the 64 bit
> libs for pulseaudio by default. This frees up /usr/lib/alsa-lib/ for
> installing the 32 bit libs for use with skype, realplayer, etc...
> 12. restart firefox.
> ===================================================================
#$%@#%#% @%#%#%@!!!!!!
The sound wasn't playing through pulseaudio when I tested even though
the "Sound Preferences" dialog showed a stream for "npviewer alsa
plugin". A second test after closing and reopening "Sound Preferences"
shows that it is not.
I still need to have these libs linked.
ln -s /usr/lib64/alsa-lib/libasound_module_*pulse* /usr/lib/alsa-lib/
So even though I have libflashsupport compiled to use /usr/lib64 it
appears that libflashplayer(64) is not using it and is in fact hard
coded to use /usr/lib/ and is in fact bypassing libflashsupport for some
- That means that I can't use realplayer or skype with 32 bit pulse libs.
There must be a define for flash to use /usr/lib64 as the path. Anyone
have an idea on this?
Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Aug 8 12:15:02 2009
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