On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 3:32 AM, Rui Nuno Capela<rncbc@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Tue, September 1, 2009 01:44, Paul Davis wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Rui Nuno Capela<rncbc@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>> on my own confession, during lac2007 presentation, making a live clone
>>> was indeed my initial goal for qtractor. it still is, as much of a
>>> foundation it can be.
>> it might be worth you knowing that the heart of live is realtime granular
>> (re)synthesis, all the time, everywhere (or at least it was a while ago).
>> i suspect that you cannot do what live does without this as the
>> basic model of audio output. i could be wrong.
> by clone i was only referring to the pattern/matrix loop sequencer of the
> thing, sorry, not the sampler or synth and what else that goes in the
> monolith. i think, that was and probably still is imho the distinguishing
> feature from the pack, giving function and merit to its own name, live.
> qtractor is and will be just a sequencer. any attempt to make it an
> all-in-one-wonder will get kicked out at first sight :)
Hey Rui - what about "just" having multiple timelines that can be
switched on the fly (with the switching quantized to a bar)?
Graphically, each timeline would be a column (tracks are still your
rows). This would give you a pattern/matrix loop sequencer of sorts.
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