I would say from the debuging that the device is doing 'Note On Velocity-0'
as note off. This is part of the spec.
"we have to make sure the old choice [Windows] doesn't disappear”.
Jim Wong, president of IT products, Acer
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 16:25:01 +0200
From: jedi00@email-addr-hidden
To: clemens@email-addr-hidden; Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
Subject: Re: [LAU] FluidSynth fails to sintetize more 85% events generated by Drum machine ALESIS D4.
Hi Mr. Ladisch ,
When I did some debug with Qsynth it seems that filtered the note-off events.
Now that I did a debug directly with fluidsynth I'm able to see the note-off.
Here you are with the aseqdump :
tao@email-addr-hidden:~$ aseqdump -p 20:0
Waiting for data. Press Ctrl+C to end.
Source_ Event_________________ Ch _Data__
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68à 40
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68àà 0
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68à 71
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68àà 0
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68 107
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68àà 0
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68 111
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68àà 0
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68 107
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68àà 0
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68à 97
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68àà 0
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68 113
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68àà 0
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68 113
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68àà 0
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68 119
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 68àà 0
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 65à 40
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 65àà 0
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 65à 80
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 65àà 0
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 65à 70
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 65àà 0
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 65à 98
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 65àà 0
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 65à 89
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 65àà 0
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 65 116
à20:0àà Note onàààààààààààààààà 0à 65àà 0
2009/9/11 Clemens Ladisch <clemens@email-addr-hidden>
Jedi Storm wrote:
> I'm generating MIDI events from a Drum Machine Alesis D4 directly to
> fluidsynth through a MIDI In port and fluidsynth fails to sintetize more
> than 85% of the hits on the PAD.
> ...
> 4.- After do some debugging I have been able to see the following :
> MIDI DRUM SET ALESIS D4 EVENTS : (Fails to synthetise 75% of the hits)
> ...
> fluidsynth: noteoff à à0 à à65 à à0 à à00777 à à1480.951 à à1480.982 0.000 à à4
Do these numbers have any meaning?
You said previously that the D4 doesn't generate note-off events?
Could you show the output of aseqdump with a few notes from the D4?
Best regards,
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Received on Fri Sep 11 20:15:03 2009
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