Re: [LAU] The Drummer's Gigsaw: 2nd edition

From: Philippe Hezaine <philippe.hezaine@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Oct 01 2009 - 11:49:26 EEST

Leslie P. Polzer a écrit :
> Hi Philippe,
>> So far I didn't get any feedback. It wasn't working, was it?
>> I believe I finally found the cause for this.
>> Would you be kind enough to tell me if you get MY-SONG+veloc out.
>> Feedback... feedback... feedback... as a long moan in the desert. :=)
>> Thanks in advance.
> I'm totally swamped by this. I have very superficial experience
> with drumming and only basic MIDI knowledge.
> When I visited the web page of the project I was struck by
> how random its navigation was; basically a collection of
> related articles, but no specific instructions telling me
> where to start, or what to do with the files.

Sorry for these inconveniences. I have to upgrade and re-design the Spip
sites since quite a while but I've not found time for that.
They lead a bohemian life.
About instructions it would be better for you to read the README
inside the Gigsaw.tar.bz2. I hope you'll have all the necessary to
understand and start it. The short tutoriel gives you a hand.

> I'm not interested in the Lilypond files right now, I don't
> know how to use the supplied MIDI files and the PDFs just
> list some patterns (which is helpful, but I don't want
> to type them into Hydrogen manually).

Besides the new Gigsaw all the material is obsolete. In the next months
BASES-patterns will be fill up again. But first of all I have to be sure
the Gigsaw is working for others.

> And what do the .vim files and scripts have to do with this?

The Drummer's Gigsaw uses a special way to convert from a lilypond file
to a midi file with *velocities* values. But the scripts aren't your
problem. They automatize a process, there's nothing more.

> Oh yeah, everything's in French too, but that works out for
> me. Others might be less lucky...

As its name point out, the README is in... Chinese.

> I hope I wasn't too harsh in my critique. :) Please take it
> as a proof of my well-meaning and interest in this project
> that I give such detailed feedback.
> Leslie

Don't worry. I prefer your way to tell the things than a no man's land.
I'll take it in account.

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