Re: [LAU] lmms static through jackd

From: Hartmut Noack <zettberlin@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Oct 10 2009 - 11:25:04 EEST

Hash: SHA1

Paul Davis schrieb:
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Hartmut Noack <zettberlin@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> The problem is known amongst the lmms-people yet tobydox is not that
>> eager to lay hands on it since lmms works OK with alsa and is more or
>> less designed to be a one-stop-suite.
> it works because it has more buffering when run like that. so, either
> run JACK with more buffering OR fix lmms. at ease ....
I have tested it extensively and found, that the buffers need to be
incredible high - 2048 worked for me :| the internal buffer size in lmms
needs to be set exactly the same. With that you even have a clearly
recognizable delay when doing stuff in the piano roll let alone playing
a keyboard.
And still it works not as stable as with alsa...
I met the lmms people at a fair here in Germ and I cannot remember
seeing them use jackd. They really designed lmms to be a single suite
running with alsa without a need to interact with other jack-apps.

So coming up with some good practical reasons to have lmms integrated in
jackd running with acceptable latencies and asking them for it on IRC
could be reasonable.

best regs
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Received on Sat Oct 10 12:15:01 2009

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