Hi all.
Just a few words to tell that I managed to get a decent solution until a buy
some audio interface.
It is in my TODO to explain here what it is about to help in someway anyone
who is interested, but I've been so busy this past weeks that I couldn't do
In short, I used an old qwerty keyboard as a MIDI-keyboard and an old mouse
as a trigger-pedal thanks to this:
Thank so much to you all.
2009/10/14 Carlos Sanchiavedraz <csanchezgs@email-addr-hidden>
> Going back to the topic[1], here are some more links I had in my bookmarks:
> Touchpad 2 Midi <http://www.livelab.dk/touchpad2midi.php> (it seems it's
> free but not as in freedom)
> http://www.livelab.dk/touchpad2midi.php
> fijuu <http://fijuu.com/> : Fijuu is a 3D, audio/visual installation. Live
> perfomance using a PlayStation-style gamepad
> http://fijuu.com/
> Linux pSeudo MIDI Input <http://lsmi-all.sourceforge.net/>
> http://lsmi-all.sourceforge.net/
> The Wiinstrument <http://screenfashion.org/releases/the_wiinstrument/>
> http://screenfashion.org/releases/the_wiinstrument/
> [1] I would like to achieve something until I buy some decent interface
> 2009/10/12 Carlos Sanchiavedraz <csanchezgs@email-addr-hidden>
> Hi Michal,
>> 2009/10/12 Michal Seta <mis@email-addr-hidden>
>> Hey,
>>> Here's my take at adapting a USB joystick (purchased second hand, $20
>>> for a pair) as a "controller" for my guitar. I actually performed
>>> with that thing. The thumb sticks were replaced by photocells so that
>>> by waving my hand in front (and changing the intensity of light
>>> reaching the components) I could control some continuous parameters.
>>> The buttons of the pad were mapped to various things, depending on the
>>> "preset".
>>> http://tinyurl.com/yzgrzvp
>>> It was all hooked up to pd in which most of the audio processing took
>>> place except for some presents where the buttons controlled a
>>> sooperlooper instance via OSC.
>> What a guitar-attached-controller! ;) It might be good for controlling fx,
>> but maybe a little tricky to start recording a loop at the time you play
>> with your right hand.
>> Anyway, really nice. Do you have the project available.
>> I have now decided to give up the USB joystick on that instrument and
>>> try to figure something out with the wiimote which is a lot of fun to
>>> play with. The other usual contender is an iPod Touch/iPhone even if
>>> mostly used in connection with OSC.
>>> Have fun digging, there are a lot of fun projects around.
>> Talking about wiimote and MIDI, keep track of a project I'm involved that
>> I mentioned some time ago, wiimidi:
>> http://github.com/fontanon/wiimidi
>> It's in its first steps, but I hope at the end it would be really easy and
>> useful for every kind of user.
>> Thanks.
>>> ./MiS
>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 1:36 PM, Carlos Sanchiavedraz
>>> <csanchezgs@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>> > Hi dear folks.
>>> >
>>> > I would like to do some kind of a survey to know about configs, setups,
>>> > controllers, etc that you have come to over the years and based on your
>>> own
>>> > experience. (Well, I already know some of yours for your mails on the
>>> list)
>>> >
>>> > It's usual to see piano keyboards and controller boards, i.e. Behringer
>>> > BCF/BCR2000 or FCB1010.
>>> >
>>> > But more than this kind of consumer products, which I know many of
>>> them, I'm
>>> > rather interested in something like (inexpensive and) strange MIDI
>>> > controllers, pedal boards, Arduinos, DIY HW... that allow controlling
>>> and
>>> > have interaction with applications, whether it's Ardour, Rosegarden,
>>> > Freewheeling, Sooperlooper, Pd, Supercolider, Mixxx ...
>>> >
>>> > Why this? I've been willing for a long time now to buy an audio
>>> interface
>>> > with MIDI and maybe some controller, but at the moment I'm still stuck
>>> with
>>> > just my keyboard and mouse; it's ok with DAWs but an inconvenient when
>>> using
>>> > live loopers (most of all when playing guitar, and without a MIDI
>>> > interface).
>>> >
>>> > Thanks in advance.
>>> > --
>>> > Carlos "sanchiavedraz"
>>> > * Musix GNU+Linux
>>> > http://www.musix.es
>>> >
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>>> > Linux-audio-user mailing list
>>> > Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
>>> > http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-user
>>> >
>>> >
>> --
>> Carlos "sanchiavedraz"
>> * Musix GNU+Linux
>> http://www.musix.es
> --
> Carlos "sanchiavedraz"
> * Musix GNU+Linux
> http://www.musix.es
-- Carlos "sanchiavedraz" * Musix GNU+Linux http://www.musix.es
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Nov 1 00:15:02 2009
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