David Morrell wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried Frank's suggestion re muting / un-muting the Audigy Digital
> Output in alsamixer. It started muted before toggling.
> I still could not play any audio, but there was a slight pop when I
> toggled it. It sounded like an amplifier turning on. When I turned the
> speaker amp gain flat out, I could just hear a bit of pinkish noise from
> the amp. Toggled the other way, silence.
> I'll try Patrick's suggestion i.e. post to the developer list.
> I've also found the ALSA Project page for the relevant driver at
> http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-emu10k1. It
> leads one through installing ALSA and drivers from source. I have
> nothing to lose, so I guess I'll give that a try if I can't get anything
> back from the developer list. I don't want to mess up the system yet,
> though, in case someone wants debugging information.
> Thanks for your help. Anyone else got ideas?
I assume you looked over all the other channels in the alsamixer for the
Audigy - it's a complex soundcard, and checked not only the master but
also the gain settings for the sound sources you were trying.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Nov 1 00:15:02 2009
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