2009/11/1 Bob van der Poel <bob@email-addr-hidden>
> Hi guys. I know this is a bit off topic, but I'm getting frustrated
> beyond belief trying to get reasonable results from my DVD drives with
> a newly installed ubuntu 9.10
> The drives are both connected to a PATA interface (the only one on the
> MB). My hard drives are all SATA.
> All worked just fine on previous MBs and linux versions. Lastly had
> Ubuntu 8.04 running.
> My problem is that I know have very jerky video playback and slow
> seeks and crashes. I've tried mplayer, totem and vlc. Vcl seems to
> work best, but it's no star on this system.
> I've tried uninstalling pulseaudio, but that makes no difference.
> I've done a lot of reading of similar problems, but nothing seems to
> vector in on this. The ubuntu forms haven't been much help either ...
> just a lot of suggestions on trying different players, and installing
> libcss2, etc. That doesn't seem to be the problem.
> My guess is that it's a IRQ or DMA problem. I have no idea how to
> diagnose this or fix.
> So ... any ideas here????
> --
> **** Listen to my CD at http://www.mellowood.ca/music/cedars ****
> Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **
> EMAIL: bob@email-addr-hidden
> WWW: http://www.mellowood.ca
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Now, did you try mplayer with a front-end or from CLI, or both? If both,
determine whether you had previously enabled caching and is somehow now
disabled. If you can confirm you have never messed with the settings, then
it's an issue triggered by either your kernel or graphics driver update, or
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Nov 1 04:15:03 2009
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