drew Roberts wrote:
> On Sunday 01 November 2009 08:26:59 fons@email-addr-hidden wrote:
>>> again, that's nothing to do
>>> with the wrong place of the qjackctl configuration file but _when_ the
>>> changes are committed to it: at program exit.
>> So why then is there a 'Save' button at all ?
the "save" button is to save current settings and only those as a named
those settings are the ones seen in that particular page
(Setup/Settings), being the ones strictly related to jackd arguments.
the "save" is about creating/updating a named preset. it is _not_ to
save nor commit the program configuration state to disk. still that only
occurs on program exit.
the other setup pages, Options, Display and Misc., all refer to global
user configuration options that refer to qjackctl behavior per se, not
the jack server settings.
> Is it that the save commits to an in memory config change but that change does
> not effect the on disk config file until program exit?
exactly. again, if you have several local instances of qjackctl running,
their configurations will most probably clash and step on each other
toes and only the last one that exits will prevail. that applies to
window positioning as well, the position of the last quitting is the one
that will get restored next time qjackctl starts.
configuration is read at qjackctl startup, changed in memory during
runtime and committed to disk on exit. that's one of the biggest and
fundamental reasons for the single application instance restriction.
again, you as human user, are not supposed to touch the configuration
file, so don't you bother where it's located nor named after
> I sometimes switch between my usb sound card and my internal soundcard. I stop
> jack, bring up the setup, switch presets from usb441 to int48, click ok,
> restart jack. Then reverse it by switching back to usb441 from int48. Perhaps
> the on disk config file will never get changed to the int48 config?
when you switch to a particular preset, that will affect the default
preset name that will get selected next time qjackctl runs (if you don't
call it explicitly through eg. qjackctl --preset=int48 command line)
-- rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela rncbc@email-addr-hidden _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-userReceived on Sun Nov 1 20:15:03 2009
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