Hi, Mark!
> When the first electric guitar comes in I think it's the wrong
> electric guitar. The type of distorion seems to cover too much
> spectrum and messes with the sounds of the other instruments.
I wait&afraid for that opinion, but You are right. What do you
thinking, can I improve solo equalization only? I feel discomfort in
that place too and think that I should redo all solo part with lesser
Thank you for all ideas.
> The drums and bass aren't bad, but I think the drum sound is again
> sort of hidden at times by the guitar distortion.
> When we get to the fast portion I think the distorted guitars sound
> good here, although they are as someone else said quite like Hotel
> California in terms of what the whole band is doing.
> When the recorder comes back in I would have considered the guitar
> parts be brighter electrics without so much distortion to sort of
> revisit how the song started. Or maybe double up the electric with an
> acoustic for a richer tonality. Again, I'm trying to ensure each
> instrument fills up a sound space without stepping all over someone
> elses' sound.
> OK, so I liked the music. I think the playing could get polished a
> bit more. I think the instruments are interesting but stepping on each
> other a bit, but overall the results are good.
> cheers,
> Mark
-- Truly yours, Oleg Ivanenko aka Ash [if it wasn't so sad, it would be funny] _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-userReceived on Mon Nov 2 12:15:03 2009
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