On torsdag 05 november 2009 00:19:18 Robert Jonsson wrote:
> What do you know, it ain't over til the fat lady sings. :)
> It came up! Took forever...
Probably a fsck that hadn't been done in an looong time.
> Please, Viktor or someone else that had problems, try again, see if it
> helped.
I did try. At first I got about 1.1MB and it stoped. After that I turned on
wireshark and did a wget. The first attempte did succeed. The second did stop.
I did a few tests after that and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. It
seems that you have (or your upstream ISP) have bursts of packet loss. The
first working download I had was with packet loss and several resend (20-30)
in the middle of the session. The one that stops didn't have any resend at
all. There might be several causes to this. I would start with looking at the
interface but as this is a vm it is probably a problem. If you run your own
dom0 (hypervisor or whatever. hopefully you have a dom0 that isn't closed
source or weird) do check the interface (real one). and see if it has some
sort of errors. Actually. Test it anyway whether you have access to dom0 or
not. It wount hurt.
ifconfig eth0 (change eth0 to your interface)
or, better if your interface is supported by ethtool.
sudo ethtool -S eth0
If you can't do that talk to your upstream provider. Last resort would be to
talk to your your fellow vm:ers on the same machine to see if they have the
same problem.
> /Robert
> 2009/11/5 Robert Jonsson <spamatica@email-addr-hidden>
> > It would appear the show is over, I restarted the server and it's not
> > coming up on it's own :-( not a good sign.
> >
> > /Robert
> >
> >
> > 2009/11/5 Viktor Mastoridis <viktor@email-addr-hidden>
> >
> >>> wget -c <url>
> >>>
> >>> should get it right.
> >>>
> >>> Erik
> >>
> >> No Eric, the same with it....
> >>
> >> wget -c
> >> http://www.spamatica.se/diligodecanto/music/diligo_decanto_-_en_logn.mp3
> >> --2009-11-04 23:05:18--
> >> http://www.spamatica.se/diligodecanto/music/diligo_decanto_-_en_logn.mp3
> >> Resolving www.spamatica.se...
> >> Connecting to www.spamatica.se||:80...
> >>
> >> (and stays like that for 30 mins)
> >>
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