Hello folks,
if there still was interest for anyone that was stopped by technology I have
moved the file.
The link on:
is changed to:
It seems to be working fine. I'll move the others another day.
Have a nice weekend,
2009/11/5 Robert Jonsson <spamatica@email-addr-hidden>
> Oh, thanks Julien, I'm so glad you liked it :-)
> The lyrics are actually quite dark and a wee bit cryptic.
> The title means 'a lie' ... not sure I can or even should translate the
> text. I would say it's about lost love, frustration, madness. You know, the
> usual ;-) Further interpretation is up to the listener...
> Regards,
> Robert
> 2009/11/5 Julien Claassen <julien@email-addr-hidden-lab.de>
> Hello Robert!
>> this was wow. I loved it. I can't understand the lyrics of course, which
>> leaves a lot fo room for interpretationl It sometimes sounded, as if you
>> were singing something funny, and they you got up to the serious stuff.
>> Very well done, usually not my kind of music as well, but this one has
>> drive and a natural, band-like feeling to it and the ending is creative. Not
>> your everyday thing.
>> It rocks!
>> Julien
>> --------
>> Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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Received on Sat Nov 7 04:15:02 2009
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