I was waiting for that 'but' to come somewhere (and be content with that)
but it didn't come.
I'm speechless... thanks alot!
I need to record more it seems :) , won't happen in the near future though.
Away to Switzerland and Austria for two weeks.
Thanks again, and I do feel proud.
2009/11/8 Viktor Mastoridis <viktor@email-addr-hidden>
>> It's somekind of newage swedish punk/progg. Hot off the plate.
> Hi Robert,
> This song does have the amazing feeling of a live band. The work on the
> snare is perfect.
> And so is the initial idea as well. Having the snare for the verses works
> beautifully. It adds the balanced amount of variation. and generally, the
> drum work is spot on.
> The same stands for the guitars. They are cool, warm, exciting - the kind
> of feeling which makes a young person to want to learn that instrument to be
> able to play these sounds. You should be proud of it.
> The arrangement is well thought of. It builds masterfully, the parts are
> laid out naturally.
> And again, the overall balance and panning of instruments in the mix is
> done with real care and to the benefit of our ears.
> Well done!
> --
> Viktor Mastoridis
> Music-o-Graph
> & Educator
> www.MediTera.Co.Uk
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Received on Sun Nov 8 20:15:05 2009
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