Fritz Meissner wrote:
> 2009/11/10 david <gnome@email-addr-hidden>
>> My understanding is that Ubuntu doesn't have a working RT kernel. And it
>> appears to me that they're not even trying to have a working RT kernel,
>> they think they don't need it.
>> --
>> David
> I think the RT kernel fell behind in 9.04, but it is back again in
> 9.10. From the release announcement :
> "For Ubuntu Studio 9.10 we have continued to grow our feature set,
> update packages, and fix critical bugs to better the Ubuntu Studio
> user experience.
> We are happy to announce that the real time kernel will be an official
> upstream release patch. It will be installed by default if the audio
> task is selected. We have tested it heavily and are very happy with it's
> performance in audio environments.
> Features/Improvements:
> * Official upstream RT kernel release (i.e. it's very stable)"
Well, the only downloadable images I see there are "alternate install"
images, I guess they don't have regular install ones yet. Guess I'll
download one and see if musicbox will run it. Thanks for the news.
-- David gnome@email-addr-hidden authenticity, honesty, community _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Tue Nov 10 16:15:05 2009
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