[LAU] Prize for a free-for-all audio plug-in / audio

From: Carlos Sanchiavedraz <csanchezgs@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 13 2009 - 18:13:57 EET

Thought you might like to know. Nice chance to win some money for many
devs in here.

Please, spread this.

Description on the web:
The "KVR Developer Challenge 2009" is for anyone who develops audio
plug-ins or applications (i.e. a "developer"). The challenge is to
create and release a brand new free audio plug-in or audio application
that will benefit the community at large. Creativity is key, it can be
as simple or as complex as you want - KVR members will vote on the
entries and pick the eventual winner. Anyone can make a donation via
PayPal, the prize fund will be distributed to the eventual winners
(details below).

Carlos "sanchiavedraz"
* Musix GNU+Linux
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Nov 13 20:15:02 2009

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