I've forwarded your message to the FluidSynth-dev mailing list.
On Saturday, November 14, 2009, Guru Prasad wrote:
> Also, are there fluidsynth developers who are on this list? If not, is
> there a better forum to give them feedback regarding these issues? Given
> the availability of decent to good soundfonts, and the number of man-hours
> put in by various developers on applications like qsynth and ghostess, it
> is truly unfortunate that the base fluidsynth library itself is inherently
> unusable in live contexts.
To subscribe to the FluidSynth-dev mailing list:
Please take a look to the existing bug reports, and file a new one if you
wish: http://fluidsynth.resonance.org/trac/report/6
BTW: are you testing the recently released fluidsynth-1.1.0, or an older
1.0.x ?
I recommend you to also try the simplest possible scenario: using the ALSA
audio driver instead of Jack, the command line interface fluidsynth client
instead of QSynth, and aplaymidi instead of Rosegarden. Provide the full
command line(s) used to perform the test, and the MIDI/SF2 files (URLs to
download, if they are published somewhere). Please include in the bug report
the exact version numbers of every program involved, and the origin of the
programs (if you compiled it yourself or installed from a distro's
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Nov 14 16:15:01 2009
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