Martin Peach:
> >> karl@email-addr-hidden (Karl Hammar) wrote:
> >>> If we are going to have multiple analog inputs at higt sample rate,
> >>> isn't it better to have a parallell interface. With spi the number of
> >>> channels will be limited to something like 8 for a 24bit converter.
> >>> Plus that the AT32AP7000/AT91SAM9260 only has two spi-busses.
> Another way to do that would be to bit-bang 8 SPI devices sharing one
> clock line (and /CS/FS) onto a byte-wide port, read all 8 in parallel
> one bit at a time in perfect sync.
> It actually should be possible to use a /RD line for an SPI clock, so 24
> successive reads of a single address would clock in 8 24-bit samples.
I tend to dislike bitbanging, but yes, that should be doable, something
void read_all_adcs() {
uint32_t adc[32]; // up to 32 adc converters
int ix;
int kx;
uint32_t bits;
// the first few bits are to start converter
bits = get_data();
bits = get_data();
bits = get_data();
bits = get_data();
bits = get_data();
for (ix = 0; ix < 24; ix++) {
bits = get_data();
for (kx = 0; kx < 32; kx++) {
adc[kx] <<= 1;
adc[kx] |= bits & 1;
bits >>= 1;
I have to think about that. The big "but" would be that the clock
(the frequency of get_data()) should be stable, I don't know how much
variation is allowed.
Karl Hammar Aspö Data karl@email-addr-hidden
Lilla Aspö 148 Networks
S-742 94 Östhammar +46 173 140 57 Computers
Sweden +46 70 511 97 84 Consulting
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Received on Mon Nov 16 12:15:04 2009
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