Hi Julien!
Nice and very natural/analog piano (is it?). A moving piece, nice reverb.
Just some notes:
- 1:26, 4:00, 4:07, some mistakes
- 2:08, piano loses body, is not so thick and full as before; if it is
intended it's ok. Perhaps it is so to leave room in the spectrum for
the other instruments, then I'd do this just right when they appear.
- 3:09, piano chord a little out of time/rhythm
I love this tune, Julien. God job.
2009/10/25, Julien Claassen <julien@email-addr-hidden-lab.de>:
> Hello to all of you!
> I've just finished a new song. If I should describe it, I'd say
> orchestral
> or symphonic pop. Although the structure of it lacks the symphonic
> qualities.
> :-)
> First of all the link:
> http://juliencoder.de/moonlight.ogg
> Ahd this one is for the ogg-deficient :-)
> http://juliencoder.de/moonlight.mp3
> The song was done in Nama, using a few of its new and exciting features.
> At
> the moment it's still in testing stage, but as you can hear, it's coming
> along
> very well. I used my usual bunch of sounds and effects. Only this time jconv
> took part in it (the piano and the trumpets).
> The song is called "Moonlight Cinema", because I wanted to call it
> "Moonlight music", then realised, that somehow it reminded me of a theatre
> or
> musical tune, so I got to the cinema.
> As ever, feedback is welcome!
> Enjoy it and have a nice day
> Julien
> --------
> Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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