Well, as I now have a lot more bandwidth, I'd like to again inform you
of the GNU SIP Audio User and Developer Conference Room[0].
The conference room should also support video, but I haven't played much
with this. Still waiting for JACK VIDEO to save the day..
The URL is:
Dial in at any time and talk, get help, play your music, jam, learn,
Some free software projects has started to use a conference room and I
think the LAD/LAU community should be on the forefront of this. Some
projects use an IRC bot to advertise presence in the conference
room. Maybe we also could do that. Some projects also organize a BoF at
saturday nights.
Last time I advertised this, several people asked about SIP clients with
native JACK support. This has not yet happened and I really know them
all, in and out.
You can however use any pulseaudio aware client, which again can exit
through JACK.
I use sflphone at the moment, which works great with pulseaudio and
JACK. I've also recently tested ekiga-GIT and it also works pretty well
with pulseaudio/JACK, if you need video. If you aim for ekiga, only the
most recent GIT version supports pulseaudio/JACK.
Sflphone has a core/UI separation, which is really great, but no non
interactive interface has been made yet.
-- Esben Stien is b0ef@email-addr-hidden s a http://www. s t n m irc://irc. b - i . e/%23contact sip:b0ef@ e e jid:b0ef@ n n _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-userReceived on Sat Nov 21 08:15:01 2009
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