torbenh <torbenh@email-addr-hidden> writes:
> does sip support measuring the latency of the connection ?
SIP doesn't really deal with that. SIP is a session initiation protocol,
a session of anything really and in VoIP, it's basically two RTP
channels and a SIP control channel.
The Real-Time Control Protocol (RTCP), a companion protocol to RTP, is
used by applications to monitor the delivery of RTP streams. Media
packets are transmitted between endpoints during a session according to
RTP while additional performance information governing the communication
link (e.g., key statistics about the media packets being sent and
received by each endpoint such as jitter, packet loss, round-trip time,
-- Esben Stien is b0ef@email-addr-hidden s a http://www. s t n m irc://irc. b - i . e/%23contact sip:b0ef@ e e jid:b0ef@ n n _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Mon Nov 23 00:15:03 2009
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