On 11/23/2009 05:52 AM, Folderol wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Nov 2009 02:05:10 +1100
> Patrick Shirkey<pshirkey@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> <snip>
>> At this point I wonder if it might be better on the LAD list due to the
>> level of detail being now discussed.
> This seems like a good idea, but I had a look at the list website and
> they specifically say the list is not aimed at hardware questions. I
> also had a brief look through the archives and saw no mention of
> hardware issues there.
> I'm not subscribed there, and don't want to barge in with a
> inappropriate 'newbie' topic, so I wonder if it would be more
> diplomatic if one of the regulars such as yourself asked on the list
> what people thought of moving this over there.
There is no Linux Audio Software Developers list and likewise no Linux
Audio Hardware Developers list.
The LAD list is meant for advanced technical discussions whereas the LAU
list is meant for the discussions that don't fit into advanced technical
Prior to LAU list being setup everything was discussed on LAD which made
it LAD and LAU combined. The noise ratio crept up as the user issues
started creeping in.
Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Nov 23 00:15:04 2009
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