Howdy all,
there's been a crew of up to 7 or 8 people here in Rotterdam the past
couple of days, writing afternoons and evenings on this Ardour
tutorial manual. We hope to have something that looks like a real book
by the end of the week, and to do that we'd like to ask for your help.
It would be great if Ardour users, n00b and l33t alike, could look
over what we have so far and offer suggestions, proofreading,
corrections or even add their own material.
The existing manual can be found here:
It is very easy to make a login on the FLOSS Manuals site, and
everyone is welcome to make changes in the chapters. Proofing is the
main favor you could do for us, and seeing if it's all correct and
makes sense.
Personally, I would also appreciate if someone looked over the chapter
on Looping in particular, since it was written specifically in
response to some questions by an Ableton Live user here, and we're
curious if it is both correct and also the easiest way of doing that
kind of thing.
Thanks for your time and best wishes from Rotterdam!!!!
-- ::: derek holzer ::: ::: ::: ---Oblique Strategy # 157: "Think - inside the work - outside the work" _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Wed Nov 25 20:15:02 2009
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