cal wrote:
> Jonathan E. Brickman wrote:
>> Cal, a great thankfulness goes from me to you for Yoshimi :-)
>> J.E.B.
> That's cool. I've had fun with it too, learned lots about lots, with lots
> more left to learn. And I still have a huge sense of awe for the body of
> work that one Nasca Octavian Paul produced in zynaddsubfx. It seems he's
> still beavering away quietly in the background, which is excellent to see!
I had the occasion to try Zynaddsubfx on my musicbox computer. This time
I booted a new Knoppix 6.2 DVD, which includes JACK 0.116.2 configured
for RT on a non-RT kernel. (and the usual QJackCtl couldn't start JACK
server error.) After some command line twiddling, I got JACK running at
64msec latency, added Zyn to the mix, played 8 notes, then got dead
silence as Zyn simply stopped making sound. Clicked the Panic button and
got to play another 10-12 notes before Zyn stopped again.
Made me miss yoshimi (installed on my other laptop) quite a bit!
So also thanks for yoshimi and all the patient help with getting it working.
-- David gnome@email-addr-hidden authenticity, honesty, community _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Fri Nov 27 12:15:02 2009
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