2009/12/1 Ng Oon-Ee <ngoonee@email-addr-hidden>
> Hi all, while my Korg keyboard does a pretty good job of imitating the
> sounds of various instruments, I can never seem to get the guitars to
> sound like they're being strummed. In my (simplistic) estimation its a
> matter of rolling the notes consecutively from low to high (down-stroke)
> and then high to low (up-stroke), perhaps needing variable pressure on
> different notes?
> So my basic question is, how would you produce as realistic a guitar
> strum as possible using an electronic keyboard with the requisite sound
> banks? Or should I give it up and just record my guitar directly (neck
> needs straightening...)?
Here we have that problem again. I mean, how much are we trying to emulate
things these days and getting away with it? I can tell a sampled guitar from
expensive records pretty quickly, and it annoys me as fast. I _have_ heard
_some_ with excellent results though - I wouldn't be able to tell if I
weren't informed. Those are fine, but the majority aren't.
A keyboard cannot duplicate the feel and awesomeness of a guitarist, his
guitar, and a Neumann off-axis, period ;)
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