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On Tue, 2009-12-01 at 07:58 -0300, robert lazarski wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 6:42 AM, Ng Oon-Ee <ngoonee@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > On Tue, 2009-12-01 at 17:30 +0800, Ray Rashif wrote:
> >> 2009/12/1 Ng Oon-Ee <ngoonee@email-addr-hidden>
> >>
> >> So my basic question is, how would you produce as realistic a
> >> guitar
> >> strum as possible using an electronic keyboard with the
> >> requisite sound
> >> banks? Or should I give it up and just record my guitar
> >> directly (neck
> >> needs straightening...)?
> >>
> >>
> >> Here we have that problem again. I mean, how much are we trying to
> >> emulate things these days and getting away with it? I can tell a
> >> sampled guitar from expensive records pretty quickly, and it annoys me
> >> as fast. I _have_ heard _some_ with excellent results though - I
> >> wouldn't be able to tell if I weren't informed. Those are fine, but
> >> the majority aren't.
> >>
> >>
> >> A keyboard cannot duplicate the feel and awesomeness of a guitarist,
> >> his guitar, and a Neumann off-axis, period ;)
> >>
> > No arguments here on the last sentence. I'd still like to know how
> > feasible it is though, and if anyone has any pointers. Basically, to put
> > it very bluntly, I'm a much better keyboardist than guitarist =p.
> >
> Here's some quick stuff I found via google:
> "The technology has been designed to generate unique musical effects
> in real-time, allowing effortless creation of spectacular cascades of
> complex interweaving notes, techno arpeggios and effects, dense
> rhythmic and melodic textures, natural sounding glissandos for
> acoustic instrument programs, guitar strumming and finger-picking
> simulations, random effects, auto-accompaniment effects, gliding and
> swooping portamento and pitch bend effects, and new sound design
> possibilities. It has been designed to be not only a valuable tool for
> proficient musicians, but a means of interactively controlling music
> generation for people of any level of musical skill, including no
> musical knowledge whatsoever."
> See also the Oasys STR-1:
> "The STR-1 Plucked String is a physical model which allows you to
> pluck, strike, scrape, or otherwise "excite" the string with 16
> different "pluck" types, noise, or any of the onboard or RAM-based PCM
> waveforms."
> Here's an Oasys demo - I'm not a guitar player so while it sounds like
> decent strumming to me - ymmv :
> Here's an M3 strumming demo, a cheaper korg model:
> Here's the GenoQs Octopus doing strumming:
> The latter is "also called "the Chris Franke" effect" , not sure why
> but I'm a huge tangerine dream fan.
> - R
Thanks, I was just reading Korg's site on their Oasys. Basically what I
draw is that Karma is specific to the Oasys (which is already out of
production, and is probably way out of my budget + not available out
here in the boondocks).
Its pretty cool that there are machines to do this though. Which seems
to indicate it isn't possible or is very hard with a 'typical' Korg.
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