Re: [LAU] composing for video

From: Lorenzo <lsutton@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 01 2009 - 20:44:06 EET

Hi Atte,

>> A friend of mine has invited me to compose for some videos he's planning
>> on making. We haven't started yet, but I thought it might be good to be
>> a bit ahead, especially since I haven't done this before and I know next
>> to nothing about video...
>> The noise making apps will be running ontop of jack. Google suggest I
>> should look into xjadeo with the -i switch. Is that it? Anything
>> (formats, codecs, framerates, interlaces other-stuff-I-dont-get) that I
>> should ask for or try to avoid?
My experience so far was not about a full-fledged multichannel 5.1
soundtrack but with a sonification of a silent film
( and a brief 'experience report' here:
After getting used to it using xjadeo which simply synced with ardour,
rosegarden and any Jack-transport-enabled app was a charm.
>> do you enjoy being whipped repeatedly by leather 9-tailed whips spiked
>> with stainless steel blades?
But keep in mind that the 'video-hell' is not just linux: my colleagues
use a very expensive final-cut and they're still always having touble
with framerates, aspec ratios, codecs, etc. etc.

Much also depends, I think, on the kind of film (short movie, full film,
documentary) and what kind of work /you/ have to do (music only, all
soundtrack etc.)

Kind regards,

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Received on Wed Dec 2 00:15:01 2009

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