Re: [LAU] Music Made with Linux : Lemurya - Soma (AMMD prods)

From: Aurelien <tyranorl@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 15 2009 - 10:24:46 EET


On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 07:24:22PM +0100, Julien Claassen wrote :
> Salut Aurelien!
> C'est beau, ta musique. I hope, I didn't make any mistakes in
> those few words. :-)

It's OK! Sure I won't do better auf Deutsch!

> Again a new genre - at least to my knowledge -
> to enter the list of Linux produced pieces here.

Actually, we have another band, called Sebkha-Chott, member of the AMMD
label which plays a music not so far from Lemurya, and which is Free Art
too. There had been a thread about it, as we're trying to upload the
whole multitrack sessions of Ardour of their 2 last albums to,
but es klappt nicht by now, as our network is really too low!
Anyway, you can check their 4 albums on Dogmazic (french archive, but
very cool, indeed):
(153 tunes, it's written!!!)

And, don't know where you live in Germany, but they will be playing at
Zappanale in Bad Doberan this summer:

And actually, to be more open-minded, all the productions of our label
(which are Free Art, and for each of them since 2008 produced with
Debian GNU/Linux) are in some way in the same kind of esthetic.

I probably should do a thread about the label. I'll do that in a few

> It certainly has something rock/poppy, but still it has a few
> influences, which sound so typically French and chanson-y.

hehe! Typically French seems to mean "quite freak and weird"!!

> Very
> beautiful and handsomely produced, a very good and direct sound.
> Very small, live and organic.

Cool!! Thank you very much.

> I think I'll be keeping my fingers
> flat for the coming of the album.

Keeping your fingers flat? Don't know what it means. ;)

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Received on Tue Dec 15 12:15:01 2009

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