On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Nathanael Anderson
<wirelessdreamer@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I'm trying to find a vst plugin (ideally native, but anything that'll run
> realtime with hacks works if there isn't a better solution) that has pro
> quality nature sounds, rain, thunder, running water, birds, wind.
> So far I found sounds of nature, which is a widows vst:
> http://www.xoxos.net/vst/nature/index.html
Hmmmmm... if there is only one Windows VST that fits this description,
doubt there's going to be a Linux one. Why does it need to be a VST?
Can you use sound loops, such as might be found on
http://www.freesound.org. You could probably pull those into
LinuxSampler using gigedit and have the full power of a real sampler
at your disposal.
-- Brett
"In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden;
If I were to divulge it, it would overturn the world."
-- Jelaleddin Rumi
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Apr 15 20:15:05 2010
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