Re: [LAU] ASCAP Assails Free-Culture, Digital-Rights Groups

From: Renato <rennabh@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Jul 17 2010 - 00:33:51 EEST

> How would you feel then, if you were a farmer, about being prosecuted
> for growing plants from the seed of the plants that grew from the
> seeds purchased from international seed company X?
> __

As a side note, this does indeed happen. By the way it's even worse,
they will prosecute a farmer even if he harvests seeds from his own
plants (not grown from the companie's seeds) with the claim that, since
98% of the croplands are grown from it's (Monsanto's) seeds, most
certainly even his plants have been breeded with the nearby Monsanto
plants. Guess who wins the trials.

For more on this, watch the excellent documentary "Food"

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Received on Sat Jul 17 04:15:02 2010

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