Re: [LAU] Reverb to use with LinuxSampler/piano?

From: Philipp Überbacher <hollunder@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jul 18 2010 - 13:23:26 EEST

Excerpts from Aaron Krister Johnson's message of 2010-07-18 04:15:46 +0200:
> Anyone who wants is welcome to grab a soundfont I made some years ago. It's
> based on samples from my Yamaha-P200 digital piano. You might balk at the
> idea of samples from samples, but I think they sound pretty good, and the
> price is right. I actually use this a lot and prefer it over some Steinway
> fonts I've downloaded at Hammersound.
> -AKJ

Thanks Aaron,
I'd like to try it, but it's not easily possible, if at all, for me to
extract a sfArk'ed file. Could you provide it in some conventional
compression format?

"Wir stehen selbst enttäuscht und sehn betroffen / Den Vorhang zu und alle Fragen offen." Bertolt Brecht, Der gute Mensch von Sezuan
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Received on Sun Jul 18 16:15:02 2010

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