Re: [LAU] freesound tools?

From: Philipp Überbacher <hollunder@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Aug 04 2010 - 22:16:05 EEST

Excerpts from Josh Lawrence's message of 2010-08-04 21:09:51 +0200:
> hi, sorry for spamming the list today :)
> are there any tools for searching/downloading from from
> the command line? I've been searching google, but to no avail. if
> there were a simple way to script such a tool in, say, bash or perl (I
> am not a programmer, so python might be out of my league), any tips on
> how to do this would be very much appreciated.
> thanks!
> Josh

Just a hint on where you could find further info.
I've seen at least two programs that allow you to directly download from
freesound, ardour (if enabled and if I remember correctly) and aldrin
(neil is the new name). Either might give you the hints needed to write
a script.


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Received on Thu Aug 5 00:15:04 2010

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