23.11.2010 17:32, rosea.grammostola:
> Hi,
> Does anyone has JACK status info in his conky system monitor? Would be
> geeky and handy to have.
> http://conky.sourceforge.net/
> \r
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You may easily script it (bash is enough),
i may , but actually have no time,
little tip:
u just need the following commands
jack_cpu_load #prints out your jack DSP load
[ --name OR -n client_name ]
[ --time OR -t time_to_run (in seconds) ]
[ --delay OR -d delay_before_cpuload__is_applied (in
seconds) ]
--cpu OR -c percent_cpu_load (1-99)
jack_lsp #lists client ports, including midi
jack_lsp -c #lists connections,including midi
jack_lsp -A # lists aliases,including midi
and sed or awk,
e.g. using it like
jack_cpu_load|cut -d" " -f2
gives just the DSP load value, implementing in conky is done with help
from google, i remember it was simple
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