Hi All,
I thought I'd let you know about some synthesizers I converted to LV2
"50m30n3" wrote a few synthesizers using Jack. There is a "Feedback Drone
Synthesizer" (http://d00m.org/~someone/so666/), a Piano Synthesizer (
http://d00m.org/~someone/sokl5/), and a Bassline Synthesizer (
I've converted them to LV2 plugins and added Debian packaging. You can find
the ports here: https://github.com/jeremysalwen/So-synth-LV2
I remember that recently someone was complaining about the lack of virtual
instruments for LV2, so these should help add to the bunch.
Jeremy Salwen
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Jan 2 12:15:01 2011
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