Just an information: I have written a small "tool" which creates giga-files for
some of the instruments included in the NDK. Each instrument is an own
giga-file. Currently it does not use any mod-wheel stuff... (hi-hat openness...
For the velocity dimensions I use libsndfile which measures the peak of each
sample-file (as proposed here on the list) and then the tool defines the
dimensions based on this measurement.
Its a C++ application and I've written it for myself...no warranty... ;-)
If anyone should be interested then you can drop me a line and I'll send you the
From: rosea.grammostola <rosea.grammostola@email-addr-hidden>
To: Linuxsampler-devel@email-addr-hidden
Cc: Jostein Chr. Andersen <jostein@email-addr-hidden>
Sent: Sat, January 1, 2011 8:17:16 PM
Subject: [Linuxsampler-devel] Fwd: Re: Natural Drum Kit
Let's forward this question to the people who really knows what they are
We like to make a NDK (drums) file for Linuxsampler. Should we go for
See also message below.
lördag 01 januari 2011 17.31.47 skrev du:
> You do some interesting and useful work! But wouldn't SFZ be a better
> and more flexible option for this project?
> Today I tried to convert some Kontakt presets with Extreme Sound
> Converter via Wine. Seems to work, but also a lot work till you have
> drumkit...
Perhaps I should sit back a little and think about SFZ. I see some people says
that the Gig format is (almost) dead, but I don't agree: samples can still be
purcased anywhere and the format is very powerful. Do the CVS version of Linux
sampler work without problems with SFZ and is it possible tom make SFZ files
without burning the brain? If that's the case, then I will consider use SFZ,
but I have to make the samples now and the GIG format seem to be the only (?)
stable alternative. Perhaps it might be better to convert from GIG to SFZ
later? One thing is for sure: The time it takes to make this stuff is worth
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