Excerpts from Raffaele Morelli's message of 2010-12-14 10:28:46 +0100:
> 2010/12/13 Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden>
> > On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 10:26 AM, Raffaele Morelli
> > <raffaele.morelli@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> >
> > > I agree about unprofessionality of xruns but what about our ears?
> > > I trust my ears and bless them, thanks to them I can appreciate music
> > from
> > > Ella to Jimi and so on... but do they betray me when I realize I can't
> > > recognize an xrun in a mix? How long is an xrun? Can we hear it when it
> > > occurs only 3,4,5 times in a mix?
> >
> > if you can't hear the click caused by an xrun, then you probably
> > should give up mixing :)
> >
> ah ah ah, yes of course... anyway I can't swear my mixing experience will
> never cross the border :-)
> >
> > more seriously, it is possible for there to be an xrun without any
> > audible effect (though this is rare). the clicks that they cause are
> > very similar (most of the time) to those caused by sample clock sync
> > issues (e.g. a bad word clock cable or connector), and i don't know
> > anyone who would pay to work in a studio with such a configuration
> > (until it was fixed).
> >
> I should have been more precise. I bought a condenser mic (AKG Perception
> 120) to record some acoustic stuff at home.
> I recorded a session - st james infirmary
> blues<http://www.catastocen.apat.it/st_james_infirmary_blues.mp3>
> - and used the punch in/out feature for the guitar solo and for parts the
> two vocal tracks (I had a cold... and still got it)
> Well, there's an xrun every time the recording starts, ie after the locator
> passes the punch in marker... can you hear it? I can give you the exact
> timing.
> I also got other session (with the full band playing) but I deleted the xrun
> markers... and now I really can't gues where they occurred
> Regards
> PS: destroy the mp3 after :)
> PSPS: apologize in advance for the bad english in the recording :(
I really enjoy it :)
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