On 01/14/2011 09:36 PM, hermann wrote:
> I'm happy to announce the first public release of gx_head.
> gx_head is a simple guitar mono tube amplifier simulation based
> on the work we have done in the guitarix project.
> gx_head provide 3 tube models (12AX7, 12AU7, 6V6)
> and 8 different tonestack models(Bassman, Twin Reverb, Princeton, JCM-800,
> JCM-2000, M-Lead, M2199, AC30), so you can simply create the amp-model
> to your needs.
> gx_head comes with a bunch of in-build effects, like distortion, crybaby,
> autowah, phaser, flanger, echo, delay, . . .
> The effects could ordered in two Racks, on for the mono effects, witch
> could be load for pre or post processing, and one for the stereo
> effects, witch could only used in post processing.
> Effects are loadable over the menu, a pop-up menu in the racks, or a
> plugin bar. Settings could saved/load as presets.
> gx_head comes with some factory settings provided by guitarix/gx_head
> friend "funkmuscle", thanks therefore.
> All UI controllers could connected with jack midi via MIDI learn with
> your external MIDI controllers.
> gx_head is ready for language support via gettext() and comes thanks to
> Pablo Fernández with a Spanish translation.
> The style file gx2 is contributed by zettberlin, thanks Hartmut
Hello Hermann,
What is actually the difference between guitarix and gx_head? Or is
gx_head basically Guitarix 0.12 ? And can't thank you enough for
guitarix/gx_head, all I need is to plug in my guitar into my soundcard,
fire up guitarix/gx_head and off I go. No more Line6 Pod (it's gathering
dust here), no more NI Guitar Rig (I can get better sounds from
guitarix, have to admit though haven't used Guitar Rig in like 2 years)
just pure tone :)
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