No, they definitely are. LV2 plugins are entirely separate from their GUIs.
I suppose it's technically possible that someone could make a plugin that
is dependent on its GUI to function, but that would be nonstandard, and
everyone would hate them for it unless they had good reason to do so. Right
now, I'm pretty sure that the only plugins that require their GUI are those
whose main function is to display something.
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Julien Claassen <> wrote:
> Hello SM!
> I'm not sure, but if they took features of the already existing DSSI in
> consideration - and they took a lok at VST - then UIs should already be
> seperate from the DSP/engine code. I think, that's how, they are used in
> that test plugin host. But that may all be complete bollocks on the other
> hand, since I'm just guessing based on a few facts I know.
> Kindly yours
> Julien
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