On 01/23/2011 09:44 AM, Moshe Werner wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to install the LinuxDSP Pro Channel processors and use them in
> Ardour (2.8.11). I put them in the Lv2 folder wich is in /usr/lib64 on
> my machine. Looked in Ardour plugin manager but no Lv2 at all only
> Ladspa. I'm confused shouldn't I see them? What did I do wrong?
make sure ardour is compiled with lv2 support. if you built it yourself,
look at the output of scons -h to find the required parameter and make
sure you have the necessary libraries in place. if you're using a
packaged version, ask your distributor.
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Received on Sun Jan 23 12:15:01 2011
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